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Please note that these sessions can be counted towards Job training, but not towards either the Teaching Fundamentals or Advanced University Teaching Preparation Certificates.  Nevertheless, anyone is welcome to participate in the event.   …
The TATP offers certificate programs for graduate students at the University of Toronto. Our certificate programs are designed to provide students with specialized training in key areas of teaching and learning. Whether you are looking to s…
Tri-Campus TA Week, a three-day packed with sessions designed to enhance your job training and professional development. TA Week consists of three days of online sessions, covering a range of topics such as effective communication, assessme…
Please note that these sessions can be counted towards Course Instructor Job training, but not towards either the Teaching Fundamentals or Advanced University Teaching Preparation Certificates.  Nevertheless, anyone is welcome to participat…
 The TATP Peer Review sessions are interactive workshops designed to help you elevate your course design skills. This hands-on session encourages you to review and discuss your peers' course materials, providing constructive feedback and re…
The purpose of this workshop is to introduce participants to foundational concepts and vocabulary of EDI work, make connections to why these matter in teaching and learning contexts, and identify actionable strategies to foster more inclusi…
Each OnlineMicroteaching session will involve 5 graduate student participants and 2 TATPfacilitators. Participants will take turns acting as instructors by takingtheir students (i.e., other participants and TATP facilitators) through a 10(t…
About this Resource This guide is not an exhaustive anthology of everything that you need to know about teaching. Rather, it takes you on a holistic tour of how to plan and run a class from start to finish complemented by helpful teaching r…
Effective communities are both aspirational and practical. In particular, learning communities provide a space and a structure for people to align around a shared goal. They connect people, organizations, and systems that are eager to learn…
Please note that these sessions can be counted towards Job training, but not towards any TATP Certificates.  Nevertheless, anyone is welcome to participate in the event.   This is a 2-hour webinar for first-appointment TAs. This session wil…
As a staff member and representative of a course, you are also a representative of the course instructor’s policies. You are part of a teaching team, and it is important you and the instructor are in good communication regarding course and …
It is common for graduate student course instructors and teaching assistants to be asked to write reference letters for students. Enthusiastically supportive documents are typically a valuable part of any application package. This tip sheet…
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