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This resource is a concise version of the Putting the “Info” in Infographics Workshop provided by TATP. Visit TATP’s Event Calendar for the future offerings of this workshop. What is an infographic? Communicates…
An effective syllabus does more than let students know what to expect in a course; it may also provide a roadmap for navigating adversity, sustaining engagement, and accessing relevant supports. This tip-sheet is intended for course instruc…
Students often arrive at the University of Toronto overwhelmed by the immensity and density of their course readings; teaching effective reading strategies is one way for TAs and CIs to promote healthy, active reading skills that can enhanc…
Overview of Active Reading Techniques Active learning strategies are the various processes that readers utilize before, during and after reading a text to maximize comprehension of reading materials. By actively working to promote and enha…
The Accessibility Context at U of T The University of Toronto is home to a very diverse student population of over 76,000 undergraduate students. Many of these students may face barriers to full participation in elements of university life.…
Register for the E-Orientation Program by following this self-enrollment link Welcome! This asynchronous orientation program and resources hub is designed for international graduate students, especially those who are interested in teaching …
Understanding your responsibilities regarding University of Toronto policies The University has developed a variety of policies intended to protect both you and your students. This page highlights some of the key policies that relate to the…
In the winter of 2015, the TATP committed to seeking out a better way of supporting students not familiar with the teaching context at U of T, while still highlighting the rich contributions they can make to teaching and learning at the Uni…
About this Resource This guide is not an exhaustive anthology of everything that you need to know about teaching. Rather, it takes you on a holistic tour of how to plan and run a class from start to finish complemented by helpful teaching r…
When Drafting Your Questions Consider a specific teaching context you are familiar with from your discipline: e.g. a course you have taught or TAed before. Here is a useful activity you can use to begin drafting questions for student feedba…
As a teaching assistant, you’ll soon become familiar with hearing certain complaints from students. Here are some of the most common student complaints and some suggested responses. Common Complaints “I met all the criteria in the assignmen…
Assessment writing can be a very difficult thing. Many times we have certain expectations and presumptions about our assessments. Moreover, there seems to be a multitude of ways to create and administer an assessment. This resource is aimed…
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