Teaching Assistants' Training Program Workshops

Intercultural Teaching Circle: Workshop your Rubrics and Assignments

As TAs, providing grading rubrics for our assignments is often an effective way to demonstrate our expectations to students. At the same time, rubrics might also carry some cultural “baggage” (i.e. connotations, assumptions, and norms) that can create challenges in an intercultural environment and/or those who study in English as an additional language. For example, […]

FAS: Online Learning Academy Teaching & Technology Drop-In Session

Drop by the Online Learning Academy (OLA) Teaching & Technology Drop-In Session via Microsoft Teams to ask questions about digital teaching, check out new resources, or lurk and learn. Join via Teams See more events and workshops with the Online Learning Academy and Faculty of Arts & Science Teaching and Learning Office.

Tune into Teaching: Captioning Clinics

Facilitator: Shayne Train, Faculty Liaison Assistant, Teaching, Learning and Technology, CTSI/ACT Book a 30-minute online appointment with a Faculty Liaison from the Teaching, Learning, and Technology team at the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation to discuss captioning and transcription of your teaching materials. Book an appointment

Microteaching (In-Person)

Name: Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation Address: 130 St. George St. Toronto ON

Microteaching (In-Person)

Name: Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation Address: 130 St. George St. Toronto ON

Microteaching (Online)

Name: Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation Address: 130 St. George St. Toronto ON

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