Teaching Assistants' Training Program Workshops

Undergraduate Mentorship and Training in STEM

Mentorship in is a multi-pronged form of teaching that spans various domains of knowledge (e.g., technical skills, soft skills, background/conceptual knowledge, lab norms and culture etc.). Mentorship is a unique form of teaching given its often close relationships and mutual benefit for all parties within the mentoring relationship. Graduate students across disciplines are often tasked […]

Online First Contract Training: All Disciplines

Please note that these sessions can be counted towards Job training, but not towards either the Teaching Fundamentals or Advanced University Teaching Preparation Certificates.  Nevertheless, anyone is welcome to participate in the event.   This is a 2-hour webinar for first-appointment TAs. This session will cover strategies for teaching. All departments may allow TAs to use this […]

In-Person First Contract Training: All Disciplines

Name: Blackburn Room Address: 130 St. George St. Toronto ON

Please note that these sessions can be counted towards Job training, but not towards either the Teaching Fundamentals or Advanced University Teaching Preparation Certificates.  Nevertheless, anyone is welcome to participate in the event.   This is a 2-hour session for first-appointment TAs. This session will cover strategies for teaching. All departments may allow TAs to use this […]

Microteaching (Online)

Each OnlineMicroteaching session will involve 5 graduate student participants and 2 TATPfacilitators. Participants will take turns acting as instructors by takingtheir students (i.e., other participants and TATP facilitators) through a 10(ten) minute lesson over Zoom. Following their lesson and a brief reflection, eachinstructor will provide a brief, verbal self-assessment, stating what theythought worked well in […]

Teaching Content and Developing Engagement Through Online Discussions (Online)

Discussion forums are a frequent feature in both online and in-person courses. They provide an excellent setting for active learning that is both collaborative and individual, yet their execution often falls short of truly promoting student to student interaction or student engagement with course content and can become a seemingly needless burden on TAs and […]

Microteaching (In-Person)

Name: Blackburn Room Address: 130 St. George St. Toronto ON

Each in-personMicroteaching session will involve 5 graduate student participants and 2 TATPfacilitators. Participants will take turns acting as instructors by takingtheir students (i.e., other participants and TATP facilitators) through a 10(ten) minute lesson over in a live classroom environment. Following theirlesson and a brief reflection, each instructor will provide a brief, verbalself-assessment, stating what they […]

Microteaching (Online)

Each OnlineMicroteaching session will involve 5 graduate student participants and 2 TATPfacilitators. Participants will take turns acting as instructors by takingtheir students (i.e., other participants and TATP facilitators) through a 10(ten) minute lesson over Zoom. Following their lesson and a brief reflection, eachinstructor will provide a brief, verbal self-assessment, stating what theythought worked well in […]

Quercus for Teaching and Learning: Effective Q-Design and Q-Engagement (Online)

This workshop will provide information to begin building a Quercus course. You will explore some of the key features and tools through demos and hands-on activities, and share pedagogically sound best practices on how to effectively use these tools when designing Quercus courses and engaging students. We will examine strategies for effectively organizing and structuring […]

Course Instructor Training Camp – August 2023

Name: Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation Address: 130 St. George St. Toronto ON

Please note that these sessions can be counted towards Course Instructor Job training, but not towards either the Teaching Fundamentals or Advanced University Teaching Preparation Certificates.  Nevertheless, anyone is welcome to participate in the event.   This training is grouped into two parts: five asynchronous learning modules (3 hours), and two 1.5-hour hybrid workshop sessions. These sessions […]

Tri-Campus TA Week 2023

Name: Myhal Centre for Engineering Innovation & Entrepreneurship Address: 55 St. George St Toronto ON M5S 0C9

This week of synchronous online sessions and one in-person half day is open to all new and returning TAs at the University of Toronto. All sessions can be used as paid training with department approval. TA Week can be used towards the TF and AUTP certificates. You may attend three or more sessions throughout the week […]

Online First Contract Training: Humanities

Please note that these sessions can be counted towards Job training, but not towards either the Teaching Fundamentals or Advanced University Teaching Preparation Certificates.  Nevertheless, anyone is welcome to participate in the event.   This is a 2-hour webinar for first-appointment TAs. This session will cover strategies for teaching. All departments may allow TAs to use this […]

Online First Contract Training: Sciences & Engineering

Please note that these sessions can be counted towards Job training, but not towards either the Teaching Fundamentals or Advanced University Teaching Preparation Certificates.  Nevertheless, anyone is welcome to participate in the event.   This is a 2-hour webinar for first-appointment TAs. This session will cover strategies for teaching. All departments may allow TAs to use this […]

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