Teaching Assistants' Training Program Workshops
Tenure is Not the Only Track: Marketing Your Skills for Teaching and Learning Careers (Online)
While tenure-track professorships may be the ultimate career goal for a large portion of graduate students, an increasingly precarious and competitive academic job market means that many individuals will pursue a range of work opportunities. Job seekers interested in teaching and learning careers will begin their search in academic, corporate, and non-profit environments with important […]
Preparing Your Teaching Dossier (Online)
The teaching dossier is a comprehensive record of teaching activities and accomplishments that is now required in applications for permanent positions at the University of Toronto and at an increasing number of institutions across North America. In this session, we will review the elements of a successful teaching dossier and discuss how to use it […]
Microteaching (Online)
Each OnlineMicroteaching session will involve 5 graduate student participants and 2 TATPfacilitators. Participants will take turns acting as instructors by takingtheir students (i.e., other participants and TATP facilitators) through a 10(ten) minute lesson over Zoom. Following their lesson and a brief reflection, eachinstructor will provide a brief, verbal self-assessment, stating what theythought worked well in […]
Re-Envisioning Discomfort in the Classroom (Online)
Learning is meant to be transformative. When acquiring new knowledge, especially when it contradicts prior assumptions, students may experience dissonance, discomfort, and confusion. These experiences may be a catalyst for change and a deepening engagement with the material. Yet, a lack of understanding of discomfort on the part of the teacher “might have unintentional consequences […]
PowerPoint Essentials: Strategies for Accessible and Effective Slide Design (Online)
This workshop will introduce strategies for designing effective PowerPoint presentations, particularly for use in classroom settings. It will also consider accessible design principles (e.g., font, colour, imagery, and backgrounds) and how to ensure that diverse learners can engage with slides. Additional topics will include layout, considerations for teaching with and distributing slides, incorporating administrative details, […]
Promoting Critical Thinking and Reasoning Skills (Online)
Active learning helps students retain and understand the course material more. However, active learning comes in many shapes and forms. To succeed in a science research environment, students must be able to critically think and analyze information daily. Traditional undergraduate exam questions do not cause students to think about the material in a critical way, […]
Microteaching (In-Person)
Name: Blackburn Room Address: 130 St. George St. Toronto ONEach in-personMicroteaching session will involve 5 graduate student participants and 2 TATPfacilitators. Participants will take turns acting as instructors by takingtheir students (i.e., other participants and TATP facilitators) through a 10(ten) minute lesson over in a live classroom environment. Following theirlesson and a brief reflection, each instructor will provide a brief, verbalself-assessment, stating what they […]
Storytelling in STEM Fields (Online)
Stories can be used to illustrate even the most complex and abstract ideas. They engage our thinking, emotions, and imagination. Integrating narrative into lectures and tutorials or inviting students to create their own stories invites an active, reflexive engagement with the material. It also helps with learning because stories are easy to remember, and it […]
Building Success Across the Graduate Life Cycle
The Building Success Across the Graduate Life Cycle workshop is designed for pre-tenure faculty members and others who are new to a supervisory role at the University of Toronto. In this interactive session, you will learn:• Key milestones and policies you need to know as a graduate supervisor• Best practices in selecting and recruiting students, […]
Microteaching (Online)
Each OnlineMicroteaching session will involve 5 graduate student participants and 2 TATPfacilitators. Participants will take turns acting as instructors by takingtheir students (i.e., other participants and TATP facilitators) through a 10(ten) minute lesson over Zoom. Following their lesson and a brief reflection, eachinstructor will provide a brief, verbal self-assessment, stating what theythought worked well in […]
Statement of Teaching Philosophy Clinic (Online)
The statement of teaching philosophy (STP) is the foundation of any teaching dossier, is often requested as part of an academic job application, and is an important part of the tenure and promotion process. This short statement needs to effectively communicate your ideas, beliefs, and values about teaching in a condensed space. In writing your […]