Course Instructor Training Camp – April 2025 (Online)
April 24 @ 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm EDT
Pleasenote that these sessions can be counted towards Course Instructor Job training,but not towards any other TATP certificate . Nevertheless, anyoneis welcome to participate in the event.
Thistraining is grouped into two parts: seven asynchronous learning modules (3.5hours), and two synchronous online workshop sessions(2.5 hours total). Youmust complete the 7 asynchronous modules before you can attend the workshops(see self-enrolment information below). For the synchronous sessions,your presence is expected in the online space for the entire duration of eachsession.
The asynchronousmodules focus on many of the principle components of course design,including learning outcomes, assessments, syllabus design, and lectureplanning, and highlight how these components are informed by UDL (UniversalDesign for Learning) and Equity-Oriented Pedagogy. We also discuss policies andcourse administration details that are specific to the University of Toronto.The content covered in these modules is applicable to face-to-face, hybrid, andonline learning contexts.
Uponcompletion of the asynchronous modules, you will be able to:
- List the fundamentalprinciples of course design
- Apply the principles ofUniversal Design for Learning to your course design
- Create courses thatreduce barriers to learning and foster an inclusive environment
- Develop effective, well-designedcourses and lectures that engage your students
- Design alearner-centered syllabus that fosters student resilience
- Describe considerationsfor equity related to all aspects of course development
- Outline and implementUniversity policies and administration concerning your course design anddelivery
The two online workshopsessions take place after the asynchronous modules. In the firstsession (Syllabus Peer Review + Q & A), participantswill receive feedback on their course syllabus and provide feedback to one oftheir peers. This activity will help participants identify areas of strengthand potential areas for improvement in their syllabus. For this reason, werequire participants to bring a draft of a syllabus – it does not have to be afinished or polished draft and can be for a course you have taught before, acourse you are about to teach, or a course you would like to teach in thefuture.
Thefirst synchronous session will also include time for a question and answerperiod, where participants are welcome to ask questions about conceptsintroduced in the asynchronous modules, or other aspects of course design. Thefirst synchronous session will be 1.5 hours long.
In thesecond synchronous session (Effective Practices for Engaging Lectures),we focus our discussion on how CIs can deliver engaging and equitable lectures.We explore three key areas, including inclusive lecturing, active learning, andreflective practice. We will discuss strategies that are relevant in bothface-to-face and online learning contexts, and we will consider thesestrategies with accessibility and inclusivity in mind.
Youmust complete the 7 asynchronous modules before you can attend theworkshop sessions on April 24th
AsynchronousModules: enrolment will open in earlyApril, a link to self enrol in the Quercus course will be posted here andemailed to all registrants.
Module 1: UniversalDesign for Learning and Inclusive Course Design
Module2: Fundamentals of Course Design
Module3: Learning Outcomes
Module4: Assessment Design
Module5: Syllabus Design
Module6: Lecture Planning
Module7: Course Administration and University Policies
OnlineWorkshops – Thursday April 24th 2025:
2:00pm – 3:30pm: Syllabus Peer Review+ Q & A
4:00 pm – 5:00pm: Effective Practicesfor Engaging Lectures
If youhave any questions, please contact services.ta@utoronto.ca.